DMRC earns Rs 19.5 crore from the sale of carbon credits

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New Delhi, India (Metro Rail Today): The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation said it has earned Rs19.5 crore from sale of 3.55 million carbon credits collected over a period of six years from 2012 to 2018 on Sunday. DMRC earns Rs 19.5 crore from the sale of carbon credits. The projects are: regenerative braking, Modal Shift, MRTS Program of Activities and solar project.

Anuj Dayal (executive director, corporate communications of DMRC) said,

All these projects are first of their kind in the world. Delhi Metro is the first Metro or railway project in the world to be registered by the United Nations under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to claim carbon credits for its Regenerative Braking Project in 2007.

The DMRC earned Rs 9.55 crore from the sale of carbon credits it generated from the Regenerative Braking Project (RBP) DMRC’s first CDM project. In the RBP, whenever trains on the Metro network apply brakes, three phase traction motors installed on these trains act as generators to produce electrical energy which goes back into the Over Head Electricity (OHE) lines. The regenerated electrical energy that is supplied back to the OHE is used by other accelerating trains in the same service line, thus saving overall energy in the system as about 30% of electricity requirement is reduced.

Anuj Dayal said, 
The CDM is a project-based Green House Gas (GHG) offset mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol allowing the public and private sector in high-income nations the opportunity to purchase carbon credits from greenhouse gas emissions-reducing projects in low or middle-income nations as part of their efforts to meet international emissions targets under the Kyoto protocol

CDM projects generate emissions credits called Certified Emission Reductions (CER), which are then bought and traded. One CER is equal to one ton of CO2(eq) emission reduced. The CDM helps to deliver sustainable development benefits to the host country.

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